The 2022 Victorian Teachers’ Games successfully returned to the shores of Geelong after a 2-year hiatus. With over 1,800 registered participants taking part, the Games brought Victorian educators from across the state to Geelong for the 4 days of competition.
2022 marked the 25th anniversary of VTG, with the Games taking place in the original host city of Geelong to mark the occasion.
VTG participants could be spotted all around Geelong, wearing their medals (and wooden spoons) with pride after competing in almost 50 different sporting and wellness events across 30 of Geelong’s sporting venues and facilities. The schedule included a wide range of events including netball, lawn bowls, laser skirmish, dodgeball, archery, an Amazing Race and more.
Over 1,800 registered participants, with almost 3 out of 4 travelling from outside of Geelong and staying at least 1 night in local Geelong accommodation.
Almost 50 different types of sporting, wellness and social events, delivered in over 140 sessions at 30 different venues across Geelong
Event held from Sunday 18 September – Wednesday 21 September, 2022
The Games provide an opportunity for Victorian education staff to relax, take part in a variety of competitive and social sporting activities, connect with peers, and be inspired to make physical activity a part of their lives. The Victorian Government has a strong commitment to the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of staff and school students through initiatives such as Active Schools and Positive Start.